Train like an astronaut!​

Engage Young Learners in STEM, Health & Nutrition Activities

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How we can help

Teaching STEM Using the Excitement of Space Exploration

Free Teaching Resources

Explore inspiring hands-on STEM activities aligned with educational standards, designed to captivate and educate young minds with a focus on health and nutrition.

Motivating Learning Challenge

Energise your learners with the Walk to the Moon Challenge - a fun, goal-driven activity that rewards them with a certificate and an invite to a Virtual ESA Education Event.

Flexible Implementation

Integrates effortlessly into any environment - classrooms, science museums, or after-school programs. Perfect for enhancing curricula, special events, workshops, or clubs.

Global Reach

A global initiative available in multiple languages. Use the top menu to find your country page, discover local events, and connect with your national organiser.

Walk to the Moon Challenge Timeline

11 September, 2024
After First Activity Submission
Spring 2025
11 August, 2025
Walk to the Moon Challenge begins
  • Register as a Team Leader
  • Register your Team(s)
  • Create a plan of action for your Team(s) and gather materials for the challenge activities
  • Complete your Mission X activities!
  • Submit your activities on the website and earn steps!
Certificates Released

A Team Certificate and a Team Leader Certificate will be made available in the Team Overview for you to download.

Virtual Celebration Event

ESA Education will host a Virtual Celebration Event once Luna and Leo reach the Moon. All teams who have submitted activities will be invited.

Walk to the Moon Challenge ends

The website closes for activity submissions. 

Train Like an Astronaut Walk to the moon Challenge

Each school year, from September to August, teams of students up to 14 years old can participate in the Walk to the Moon Challenge. Teams from across the world complete Mission X activities and submit them online to earn steps. Steps submitted by all participating teams help the Mission X mascots, Luna and Leo, walk 384,400 km – the distance from Earth to the Moon.

Participants will receive a certificate and an invitation to a virtual event hosted by ESA Education. Additionally, teacher trainings, national events and summer camps are held in multiple countries. You can read more about Mission X in your country by checking out your country page in the menu bar at the top of this page.

Total Kilometers Walked

The distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km.