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Explore and Discover


Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness....

Bionic Hand


Your Mission: Explore the anatomy of the hand and build a bionic hand from cardboard. In a near future, it...

Astro Art


During a spacewalks, astronauts need some serious dexterity and hand-eye coordination to carefully complete tasks, all while wearing bulky gloves...

Energy of an Astronaut


Your Mission: Investigate healthy food choices and Calorie needs for life on earth vs. life in space Astronauts living on...

Base Station Walk-back


Your Mission: Perform a walk, progressing to 1600m to improve lung, heart, and other muscle endurance. When exploring space, astronauts...

Do a Spacewalk


Your Mission: Perform the “bear crawl” and “crab walk” to increase muscular strength and improve upper and lower body coordination....

What’s your Space Height?


Your Mission: Measure different body parts and explore how these measurements might change in space. How tall are you? Are...

Robotic Arm


Your Mission: Design and build a robotic arm to perform some simple tasks. To help out in space, scientists have...

Reduced Gravity, Low Fat


Your Mission: Discover the fat content of a meal and formulate a balanced meal using fat content information. As astronauts...

Get on Your Space Cycle


Your Mission: Train with a cycle to improve leg muscles, cardio-vascular fitness and endurance. One exercise device that is regularly...

Touchdown Charlie


Your Mission Playing sports requires teamwork and preparation. Teammates must work together. In space, astronauts also must react to new...

Living Bones, Strong Bones


Your Mission: Observe and compare bones, and design bone models to investigate ways to keep bones healthy. Explorers need strong...

Hydration Station


Your Mission: Explore the importance of hydration and identify the signs of dehydration. Since our bodies are made up of...

Base Station Boogie


You have just had a great day of exploring the Moon, but it’s time to head back to the base...

Cosmic Cartwheels


In microgravity, astronauts love to perform spectacular somersaults. Here on Earth it’s not so easy, but it certainly is fun!...

Astro Crops


Your Mission: Follow the development of three plants for 12 weeks to explore germination and plant growth.  If astronauts are...

Yoga in Space


Join ESA astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti and Jaime from Cosmic Kids on a brand new adventure… Yoga in Space! Follow along...

Taste in Space


Your Mission: Explore taste sensations on the tongue and experiment to see which senses influence taste. For astronauts, all their...

HIIT the Space Gym


Let’s HIIT the space gym and get ready to sweat! To keep those hearts and lungs healthy, perform a series...

Skip to the Moon


Did you know that jumping might be a key activity in keeping astronauts healthy in space? Try some jump rope...

Space Rock-n-Roll


Your Mission: Perform a series of somersaults on the ground to improve body coordination, flexibility, balance and strengthen your back,...

Microbial Box 1


Your Mission: Investigate the relationship between microorganisms and many every day products. Microbes live everywhere, including outer space! Scientists have...

Planet You Go, Gravity You Find


Your Mission: Perform an exercise with balls of different weights, as if you were in different gravitational conditions, to strengthen...

Nimble Navigation


Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your...

Agility Astro-Course


Your Mission: Complete an agility course as quickly and as accurately as possible to improve agility, coordination and speed.  When...

Mission: Control!


Your Mission: Perform throwing and catching techniques on one foot to improve balance and spatial awareness. On Earth, we use...

Crew Strength Training


Your Mission: Perform body-weight squats and push-ups to develop upper and lower body strength in muscles and bones.  Astronauts must...

Peake Liftoff


Your Mission: Perform an activity that blends together squats, pushups, and jumping in the air (burpees) to promote muscular strength,...

Liftoff Languages


Astronauts need brains and brawn! Using your coordination, endurance and quick thinking, perform five jumping jacks, with a star-jump finish,...

Astro Food


Your Mission: Identify which plants are suitable for growing in space as a good source of nutrition for astronauts. Food...

26.2 with Tim


Your MissionAccumulate a total of 42 km (26.2 mi) as a team, an individual or as a family… it is...

Building an Astronaut Core


Your Mission: Perform the Commander Crunch and Pilot Plank to improve the strength in abdominal and back muscles. Astronauts in...

Speed of Light


Your Mission: Perform a reaction time activity using a ruler to practice hand-eye coordination and concentration. In preparation for space...

Astro Farmer


Your Mission: Investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to growing plants in space. All the things...

Venus Volcanoes


Venus is the most volcanic planet in our solar system and recent research suggests some of these volcanoes are still...

Crew Assembly Training


Your Mission: Assemble a puzzle quickly and correctly to understand the importance of dexterity and hand-eye coordination. When working with...

Jump for the Moon


Your Mission: Perform jump training with a rope to improve strength and endurance. On Earth, humans experience the effects of...