Space Rock-n-Roll
Your Mission: Perform a series of somersaults on the ground to improve body coordination, flexibility, balance and strengthen your back, abdominal and leg muscles.
- Perform a physical activity that will improve body coordination, flexibility and increase motion range
- Record observations and improvements about this experience in the Mission Journal
- Thick and long mat
- (Optional) hula-hoop
- For Students: Mission Journal and pencil
Explore more Mission X activities!
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Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your …
Your Mission: Perform an activity that blends together squats, pushups, and jumping in the air (burpees) to promote muscular strength, …
Your Mission: Identify which plants are suitable for growing in space as a good source of nutrition for astronauts. Food …
Your Mission: Perform throwing and catching techniques on one foot to improve balance and spatial awareness. On Earth, we use …
In microgravity, astronauts love to perform spectacular somersaults. Here on Earth it’s not so easy, but it certainly is fun! …
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours d’obstacle en fauteuil roulant pour développer votre coordination et votre endurance. This resource was created …
Did you know that jumping might be a key activity in keeping astronauts healthy in space? Try some jump rope …
Venus is the most volcanic planet in our solar system and recent research suggests some of these volcanoes are still …
Your Mission: Explore taste sensations on the tongue and experiment to see which senses influence taste. For astronauts, all their …
Tag:Balance, Coordination, Flexibility, Physical