Energy of an Astronaut
Your Mission: Investigate healthy food choices and Calorie needs for life on earth vs. life in space
- investigate the Food Pyramid and the basic foods that make up a balanced diet and daily energy needs
- examine a Nutrition Facts labels for serving size and Calories, protein, calcium and vitamins
- determine individual daily energy needs
- create a five-day menu based on Food Pyramid recommendations and individual dietary needs
- Per class:
- computer with Internet access
- LCD projector or overhead projector
- painters tape
- six sentence strips
- food packaging from the six food groups
- Per group (3 students per group):
- Nutrition Facts labels from corn, flour, and wheat tortillas
- Per student:
- Energy of an Astronaut Student Handout
- Food Pyramid Data Sheet
- Fit Explorer Personal Five-Day Menu Planner
- blank sheet of paper
Explore more Mission X activities!
Votre mission: Résistez à la gravité pour marquer le plus de points possible. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO …
Your Mission: Investigate the relationship between microorganisms and many every day products. Microbes live everywhere, including outer space! Scientists have …
Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Your Mission Playing sports requires teamwork and preparation. Teammates must work together. In space, astronauts also must react to new …
Your Mission: Perform an exercise with balls of different weights, as if you were in different gravitational conditions, to strengthen …
Join ESA astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti and Jaime from Cosmic Kids on a brand new adventure… Yoga in Space! Follow along …
Venus is the most volcanic planet in our solar system and recent research suggests some of these volcanoes are still …
Did you know that jumping might be a key activity in keeping astronauts healthy in space? Try some jump rope …
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau en vous servant uniquement de vos bras pour préparer votre future sortie …