Energy of an Astronaut
Your Mission: Investigate healthy food choices and Calorie needs for life on earth vs. life in space
- investigate the Food Pyramid and the basic foods that make up a balanced diet and daily energy needs
- examine a Nutrition Facts labels for serving size and Calories, protein, calcium and vitamins
- determine individual daily energy needs
- create a five-day menu based on Food Pyramid recommendations and individual dietary needs
- Per class:
- computer with Internet access
- LCD projector or overhead projector
- painters tape
- six sentence strips
- food packaging from the six food groups
- Per group (3 students per group):
- Nutrition Facts labels from corn, flour, and wheat tortillas
- Per student:
- Energy of an Astronaut Student Handout
- Food Pyramid Data Sheet
- Fit Explorer Personal Five-Day Menu Planner
- blank sheet of paper
Explore more Mission X activities!
Your Mission Playing sports requires teamwork and preparation. Teammates must work together. In space, astronauts also must react to new …
Your Mission: Perform a walk, progressing to 1600m to improve lung, heart, and other muscle endurance. When exploring space, astronauts …
You have just had a great day of exploring the Moon, but it’s time to head back to the base …
Your Mission: Perform a series of somersaults on the ground to improve body coordination, flexibility, balance and strengthen your back, …
Your Mission: Perform a climb training activity on wall bars or a rock wall to improve balance and coordination, and …
Your Mission: Sample, grow, and investigate the microorganisms around us. Microbiologists have found that microbes can live just about everywhere, …
Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your …
Your Mission: Perform the “bear crawl” and “crab walk” to increase muscular strength and improve upper and lower body coordination. …
Your Mission: Explore the importance of hydration and identify the signs of dehydration. Since our bodies are made up of …
Your Mission: Measure different body parts and explore how these measurements might change in space. How tall are you? Are …