
MX National Organiser Confirmation 2024-2025

One person from your National Organiser team should complete this form to give the contact details of each team member and confirm your continued participation as a Mission X National Organiser for 2024-2025.

This form ensures that all active National Organisers are included on the email list and the Teams Channel, while non-active National Organisers will be removed.

Please complete it as soon as possible, but no later than 18 October 2024.

National Organiser Confirmation 2024-2025

Mission X National Organiser Institution and Partners

National Organiser Contact Details

Name 1
Name 1
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 2
Name 2
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 3
Name 3
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 4
Name 4
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 5
Name 5
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 6
Name 6
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 7
Name 7
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 8
Name 8
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 9
Name 9
En son
Are there any additional members of your team working on Mission X?
Name 10
Name 10
En son


I confirm that everyone listed above wishes to be National Organisers for MX in the 2024-2025 edition.
I confirm that all the National Organisers listed above wish to be part of the Mission X Email List and Teams Channel.
I am aware that anyone not listed on this form from my MX National Organiser Team will be removed from the MX Teams channel, the email list, and will lose their National Organiser rights on the platform.