2025 Annual MX Face-to-face meeting The meeting is planned to be 1.5 days long, starting after lunch on the 22nd of May and ending at the close of the working day on the 23rd of May. On the 22nd, the meeting will be combined with the ESERO meeting. More information will follow. 2025 MXIWG Face to Face Meeting Hvilket land er du national organisator for? * AUSTRIABELGIUMBRAZILCOLOMBIADENMARKESTONIAFINLANDFRANCEGERMANYGREECEHUNGARYITALYJAPANLUXEMBOURGMEXICONETHERLANDSNORWAYPOLANDPORTUGALSPAINSLOVENIASWEDENTURKEYUNITED KINGDOMUNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1. deltager Navn * <b>Navn</b> Første Første Sidst Sidst E-mail * Will you attend the Mission X Face-to-Face Meeting at ESTEC, Netherlands on May 22th - 23rd , 2025? * Ja, vil deltage personligt Ja, vil deltage virtuelt Nej Do you want to add one more participant? * Ja Nej 2. deltager Navn * <b>Navn</b> Første Første Sidst Sidst E-mail * Will you attend the Mission X Face-to-Face Meeting at ESTEC, Netherlands on May 22th - 23rd , 2025? * Ja, vil deltage personligt Ja, vil deltage virtuelt Nej Do you want to add one more participant? * Ja Nej 3rd Participant Navn * <b>Navn</b> Første Første Sidst Sidst E-mail * Will you attend the Mission X Face-to-Face Meeting at ESTEC, Netherlands on May 22th - 23rd , 2025? * Ja, vil deltage personligt Ja, vil deltage virtuelt Nej Har du forslag til emner til mødets dagsorden? Additional Comments Indsend Hvis du er et menneske, skal du lade dette felt være tomt.