Join the Walk to the Moon Challenge by Submitting Your Activities!

Activity Submission
We’ve updated the Step Calculator for the 2024-2025 edition! Steps for each activity are now calculated using the following formula:
Number of Steps = Activity Factor × Number of Students
With the Activity Factor set at 4,000 steps.
This update takes into account the average duration of activities (20-30 minutes) and typical student walking speeds (100-120 steps per minute), which would usually result in 2,000-3,000 steps. To reflect the increased intensity of dynamic exercises like running or jumping, we’ve rounded up the factor to 4,000 steps. This adjustment ensures consistency and provides a motivational target, effectively supporting our mission goal of “reaching the Moon.” All activities, including scientific ones, are valued equally.
With an average step size of 0.75 meters and the Moon’s distance of 384,400 kilometers, students would collectively need approximately 512.5 million steps to cover this distance. Use this opportunity to discuss with your students their step size and the Moon’s distance, and explore how many people’s annual steps (assuming 10,000 steps per day) would be needed to walk to the Moon.