
Agilitate Astro-Curs

Misiunea ta: Complete an agility course as quickly și as accurately as possible la improve agility, coordination și speed. When astronauts go inla spațiu și return la Earth, they experience…

Stația de bază Boogie

…dance moves! Using your coordination și orientation skills, dance your way all the way back la the base. Skills Coordination, Endurance, Creativity Note This activity was originally created pentru the…


…your activity la earn steps și help Luna și Leo walk la the Moon! Submit activities Other Resources pentru Dutch Teams Additional activity: Nationaal Schoolontbijt Additional Activities Download Download Videos…

Sari la lună

…try out the following: jumping jacks, one foot, criss-cross legs, criss-cross arms și the big finale… double-unders. Skills Coordination, Balance, Endurance Note This activity was originally created pentru the #TrainLikeanAstronaut…


…from Earth la the Moon is 384,400 km. Recently completed an activity? Submit your activity la earn steps și help Luna și Leo walk la the Moon! Earn Steps Join…