Activities for the classroom
In this section you can find different educational resources that can be used in the classroom
Astronaut Logbook: A week in the life of an astronaut with Samantha Cristoforetti
Your Mission: Follow Samantha’s routine on the ISS for...
Astro Farmer
Your Mission: Investigate which factors affect plant growth, and...
Let’s Climb a Martian Mountain
Your Mission: Perform a climb training activity on wall...
Energy of an Astronaut
Your Mission: Investigate healthy food choices and Calorie needs...
Skip to the Moon
Did you know that jumping might be a key...
Astro Food
Your Mission: Identify which plants are suitable for growing...
La para-natation
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau en...
Robotic Arm
Your Mission: Design and build a robotic arm to...
Speed of Light
Your Mission: Perform a reaction time activity using a...
Venus Volcanoes
Venus is the most volcanic planet in our solar...
Les handisports de fauteuil
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours d’obstacle en fauteuil roulant...
Agility Astro-Course
Your Mission: Complete an agility course as quickly and...
Astro Art
During a spacewalks, astronauts need some serious dexterity and...
Le Goalball
Votre mission: Affinez vos sens pour marquer le plus...
Astro Crops
Your Mission: Follow the development of three plants for...