Showing 11-20 of 50 results

Taste in Space

Your Mission: Explore taste sensations on the tongue and experiment to see which senses influence taste. For astronauts, all their food and drink needs to be carried to the International Space Station (ISS). Eating is …

Robotic Arm

Your Mission: Design and build a robotic arm to perform some simple tasks. To help out in space, scientists have designed and used robotic arms for years. On Earth, scientists have designed robotic arms for …

Microbial Box 2: What’s in your Petri?

Your Mission: Sample, grow, and investigate the microorganisms around us. Microbiologists have found that microbes can live just about everywhere, even on us! We have trillions of microbes inside and outside of our bodies. Run …

Microbial Box 1

Your Mission: Investigate the relationship between microorganisms and many every day products. Microbes live everywhere, including outer space! Scientists have reported that some germs on the International Space Station can increase to a higher number …

Hydration Station

Your Mission: Explore the importance of hydration and identify the signs of dehydration. Since our bodies are made up of 50 to 70% water, it is essential to drink plenty of fluids to keep our …

Energy of an Astronaut

Your Mission: Investigate healthy food choices and Calorie needs for life on earth vs. life in space Astronauts living on the International Space Station need balanced meals to meet their energy and health needs while …

Living Bones, Strong Bones

Your Mission: Observe and compare bones, and design bone models to investigate ways to keep bones healthy. Explorers need strong bones so they can face the physical challenges placed on their bodies while in space. …

What’s your Space Height?

Your Mission: Measure different body parts and explore how these measurements might change in space. How tall are you? Are you sure you know the answer? Studies show that the height of an astronaut increases approximately …