Microbial Box 1
Your Mission: Investigate the relationship between microorganisms and many every day products.
- analyze microbial life based on research
- investigate the relationship of many everyday products to microorganisms
- examine the impact of microorganisms on daily life
- discover that microorganisms have the greatest diversity of all living organisms
- explain how microorganisms are beneficial to humans and the environment
- Shoe box or container
- Zipper seal bag
- Images or the following items:
- Yogurt
- Blue cheese
- Swiss cheese
- Slice of bread
- Split peas or peanuts
- Coffee beans
- Picture of hot springs or geyser
- Sterile, empty container of antibiotics
- Sweaty socks
- Vinegar
- Plastic nose or image of nose
- Per Student:
- Copy of A Microbial Box Student Section
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