Showing 11-20 of 36 results

Base Station Boogie

You have just had a great day of exploring the Moon, but it’s time to head back to the base station. Instead of simply walking back, show off your out-of-this-world dance moves! Using your coordination …

Skip to the Moon

Did you know that jumping might be a key activity in keeping astronauts healthy in space? Try some jump rope tricks to improve jumping skills! After mastering the classic jump, try out the following: jumping …

Venus Volcanoes

Venus is the most volcanic planet in our solar system and recent research suggests some of these volcanoes are still active. Pretend you are on the surface of Venus- surrounded by erupting volcanoes! Using your …

Liftoff Languages

Astronauts need brains and brawn! Using your coordination, endurance and quick thinking, perform five jumping jacks, with a star-jump finish, while calling out the liftoff sequence: “5,4,3,2, 1, liftoff!”. Repeat it again with one catch …

HIIT the Space Gym

Let’s HIIT the space gym and get ready to sweat! To keep those hearts and lungs healthy, perform a series of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises in the following order: squats, commander crunches, bear crawls, …

Astro Art

During a spacewalks, astronauts need some serious dexterity and hand-eye coordination to carefully complete tasks, all while wearing bulky gloves to protect them from the harsh space environment. In this challenge we want to see …

Cosmic Cartwheels

In microgravity, astronauts love to perform spectacular somersaults. Here on Earth it’s not so easy, but it certainly is fun! To practice your coordination and strength, perform a series of gymnastics moves: the original front …

Nimble Navigation

Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your way to the ISS on a course of hand and footprints. The goal is to …

26.2 with Tim

Your MissionAccumulate a total of 42 km (26.2 mi) as a team, an individual or as a family… it is up to you! SkillsAgility, Endurance, Strength  Note This activity was originally created by UKSA as a …

Touchdown Charlie

Your Mission Playing sports requires teamwork and preparation. Teammates must work together. In space, astronauts also must react to new situations as a team. Their teamwork is imperative to the success of a mission, and …