Showing 1-10 of 47 results

Astro Aqua

Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau pour préparer pour votre future sortie extravéhiculaire. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO France 2024 Durant leur entrainement, les astronautes doivent se préparer pour leurs missions en …

La para-natation

Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau en vous servant uniquement de vos bras pour préparer votre future sortie extravéhiculaire. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO France 2024 Lors de leurs sorties à …

Le para-cyclisme tandem

Votre mission: Terminez la course le plus rapidement possible grâce à votre esprit d’équipe. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO France 2024 Lorsque l’on travaille en équipe, la cohésion et la communication sont essentielles. …

Les handisports de fauteuil

Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours d’obstacle en fauteuil roulant pour développer votre coordination et votre endurance. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO France 2024 L’entrainement physique fait partie du quotidien des astronautes à bord …

Get on Your Space Cycle

Your Mission: Train with a cycle to improve leg muscles, cardio-vascular fitness and endurance. One exercise device that is regularly used by astronauts on the International Space Station is the cycle ergometer. The cycle provides …

Peake Liftoff

Your Mission: Perform an activity that blends together squats, pushups, and jumping in the air (burpees) to promote muscular strength, agility, coordination and endurance. In a reduced gravity environment, muscles and bones can become weak, …

Jump for the Moon

Your Mission: Perform jump training with a rope to improve strength and endurance. On Earth, humans experience the effects of gravity pulling on the human body which applies a constant force, or loading effect. This …

Explore and Discover

Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness. 

Crew Strength Training

Your Mission: Perform body-weight squats and push-ups to develop upper and lower body strength in muscles and bones.  Astronauts must perform physical tasks in space that require strong muscles and bones. In a reduced gravity …

Base Station Walk-back

Your Mission: Perform a walk, progressing to 1600m to improve lung, heart, and other muscle endurance. When exploring space, astronauts complete many physical tasks. When on a planetary surface, if their vehicle breaks down astronauts …