Bionic Hand
Your Mission: Explore the anatomy of the hand and build a bionic hand from cardboard.
- Understand how the human hand works
- Learn that science and medicine use bionic prosthetics to substitute parts of the human body that are not working properly or are missing
- Learn that scientists use the human body as inspiration to build tools, such as hands and arms in hostile environments like space or the deep ocean
- Explore and test ideas building a simple machine in a group
- Activity 1:
- Student worksheet printed for each student
- Pencil
- Activity 2:
- Cardboard
- Film tape
- Glue
- Scissors
- Strings
- Rubber bands (thin and thick)
- Straws
- Student worksheet printed for each student
- Annex 1 printed for each group
- Activity 3:
- Student worksheet printed for each student
- Pencil
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Tag:Human Body, Problem-solving, Science