
Nimble Navigation

Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your way to the ISS on a course of hand and footprints. The goal is to go as fast as possible from the beginning to the end without any mistakes: at each row you must always touch the paper with either hands or feet that match the picture on the card.
Agility, Flexibility, Spatial Awareness


This activity was originally created for the #TrainLikeanAstronaut Challenges as a part of ESA Education’s Expedition: Home initiative.  



To complete this activity, start off by drawing or painting handprints and footprints on cards (or print some from the internet). We recommend 36 cards: 8 from left hand, 8 from right hand, 8 from left foot, 8 from right foot. Print out or draw the ISS picture. Tape 3 cards in a row to the floor, mixing and matching the handprint and footprint cards, with the ISS at the end of the course. Have a stopwatch or cell phone ready to record how fast you complete the course.

  • Drawing or painting utensils
  • Blank cards or paper
  • Printed image (e.g. of the ISS)
  • Tape
  • Stop watch
Approximately 30 minutes 
Resource available in:

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