Mission Journal
Your Mission: Track your space adventures, monitor progress, and reflect on your journey in your Mission X Journal.
- Practice self-reflection and self-assessment by documenting experiences and tracking personal progress.
- Improve written communication skills through regular journal entries.
- Enhance organisational skills by systematically tracking activities, progress, and improvements.
- Printer
- Pencil
Explore more Mission X activities!
Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
You have just had a great day of exploring the Moon, but it’s time to head back to the base …
Your Mission: Identify which plants are suitable for growing in space as a good source of nutrition for astronauts. Food …
Your Mission: Design and build a robotic arm to perform some simple tasks. To help out in space, scientists have …
Votre mission: Affinez vos sens pour marquer le plus de but et développer vos réflexes This resource was created by …
Your Mission: Perform throwing and catching techniques on one foot to improve balance and spatial awareness. On Earth, we use …
Votre mission: Terminez la course le plus rapidement possible grâce à votre esprit d’équipe. This resource was created by CNES, …
Your Mission: Perform a reaction time activity using a ruler to practice hand-eye coordination and concentration. In preparation for space …
Your Mission: Train with a cycle to improve leg muscles, cardio-vascular fitness and endurance. One exercise device that is regularly …
Astronauts need brains and brawn! Using your coordination, endurance and quick thinking, perform five jumping jacks, with a star-jump finish, …