Agility Astro-Course
Your Mission: Complete an agility course as quickly and as accurately as possible to improve agility, coordination and speed.
- complete an agility course as quickly and as accurately as possible to improve movement skills, coordination, and speed
- record observations about improvements in agility during this physical experience in the Mission Journal
- Eight marking cones, or other small, steady objects
- Measuring tape or meter stick
- Paper and pencil
- Watch or stopwatch
- (Optional) Swimming noodles
- For students: Mission Journal and pencil
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You have just had a great day of exploring the Moon, but it’s time to head back to the base …
Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
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Your Mission: Perform a walk, progressing to 1600m to improve lung, heart, and other muscle endurance. When exploring space, astronauts …
Tag:Agility, Balance, Physical, Spatial Awareness