Hydration Station
Your Mission: Explore the importance of hydration and identify the signs of dehydration.
- Investigate the importance of staying hydrated, proper hydration methods, and learn to identify signs of dehydration
- Understand the role hydration plays in keeping the body healthy
- Identify hydration levels by creating simulated urine
- Per class:
- Computer with Internet access for teacher use
- Library access
- One LCD projector or overhead projector
- One water bottle picture
- 2-3 bandanas
- Urine color chart
- Per group (3-4 students per group):
- One poster board or chart paper
- One set of Markers
- Two computers with internet access
- One Hydration/Dehydration chart or poster
- Four clear plastic cups
- One disposable 8 inch plate
- Two toothpicks
- One small bottle of Yellow, Red and Green food coloring
- One Urine hydration color chart
- One set of Hydration cards
- Per student:
- Hydration Student Section
- Hydrate the Astronaut
- Urine hydration color chart
- Pencil
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Your Mission: Perform jump training with a rope to improve strength and endurance. On Earth, humans experience the effects of …
Your Mission: Perform an activity that blends together squats, pushups, and jumping in the air (burpees) to promote muscular strength, …
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