Building an Astronaut Core
Your Mission: Perform the Commander Crunch and Pilot Plank to improve the strength in abdominal and back muscles.
- perform the Commander Crunch and Pilot Plank to improve abdominal and back muscle strength
- record observations about improvements in core muscle strength during this physical experience in the Mission Journal
- Watch or stopwatch
- For students: Mission Journal and pencil
Explore more Mission X activities!
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau pour préparer pour votre future sortie extravéhiculaire. This resource was created by …
Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your …
Your Mission: Carry weighted objects from the Exploration Area back to your Base Station to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
Your Mission: Observe and compare bones, and design bone models to investigate ways to keep bones healthy. Explorers need strong …
Your Mission: Follow Samantha’s routine on the ISS for one week and compare her daily tasks to yours. Observe your …
Votre mission: Effectuer un parcours immergé dans l’eau en vous servant uniquement de vos bras pour préparer votre future sortie …
Your Mission: Explore taste sensations on the tongue and experiment to see which senses influence taste. For astronauts, all their …
Votre mission: Résistez à la gravité pour marquer le plus de points possible. This resource was created by CNES, ESERO …
Your Mission: Investigate which factors affect plant growth, and relate these factors to growing plants in space. All the things …